10 años Energylab


Noticias destacadas

FACENDO PLUS, the collaborative R&D project to boost industrial competitiveness

The FACENDO PLUS project: Industrial Competitiveness and Electromobility through Innovation and Digital Transformation Plus, was presented today at an event at the headquarters of the project leader, Stellantis Vigo. The project, which has the participation of the CTAG, Aimen, Gradiant and EnergyLab technology centers; the University of Vigo; and the SMEs Unimate, SFC Solutions, Probotec...
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1st HYDEA Webinar. Hydrogen production for the decarbonization of ports in the Atlantic area

Next June 19 at 11:00 a.m. (GMT +2) we will hold the first webinar within the HYDEA project (https://www.eu-hydea.eu/), in which we will talk about “Hydrogen production for decarbonization of the ports of the Atlantic area.” In this online event, lasting 90 minutes, we have different speakers, universities, research centres and private companies, who will...
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EnergyLab participates in the Cervera H2ENRY Network: the alliance of 5 Technology Centers to promote renewable hydrogen

The new Cervera Network “H2ENRY” will be coordinated by the Cidaut Foundation, and will include Aicia (Andalusian Industrial Research and Cooperation Association), ITE (Energy Technology Institute), the Leitat Technology Center, and EnergyLab. Under the name H2ENRY, this initiative aims to promote research and implementation of sustainable solutions for the production, storage and application of renewable...
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FIREPOCTEP launches its activities in Galicia to address the prevention of cross-border forest fires

“It is not enough to prevent the fires of next summer, we must prevent the fires of the next decade.” This was one of the ideas highlighted on the afternoon of this Monday, April 23, within the framework of the regional launch of the FIREPOCTEP+ project carried out at the Museum of Pontevedra, Galicia. The...
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Hydrogen: generation technologies and uses

Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical element on our planet, it is present in 75% of matter. However, we never find it isolated, but in the company of other chemical elements such as oxygen forming water, or carbon forming organic compounds, such as hydrocarbons. Hydrogen is extremely light, storable and does not generate greenhouse gas...
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The FIREPOCTEP+ project begins its drive for the prevention and cross-border fight against forest fires

The beginning of 2024 marks the beginning of the new FIREPOCTEP+ project (0139_FIREPOCTEP_MAS_6_E), which aims to strengthen forest fire prevention and extinction systems in the cross-border region between Spain and Portugal known as La Raya. This project is cofinanced by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of the...
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GOC. S.A joins the board of EnergyLab

GOC S.A., as an engineering company with more than 35 years in the sector, comprehensively dedicated to all areas related to construction, infrastructure, water cycle, environment and sustainability. Its objective is to offer a quality, innovative and technological engineering service, committed 360º to clients, suppliers, workers and parties involved, which takes care of the client’s...
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Visit the Touro hydropower plant to start D-HYDROFLEX technical activities

Within the framework of the activities of the D-HYDROFELX project, CARTIF and EnergyLab researchers visited the Touro hydropower plant, which is operated by TASGA, to learn in detail about its operation, control and available digitalized information. This knowledge will serve as a basis for the development of AI models and algorithms planned for the project...
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Launch of the European HI_MOV project that will promote hydrogen to contribute to sustainable mobility

Today we have presented the European project “HI_MOV. Cross-border Technological Corridor of Mobility with Renewable Hydrogen”, which aims to articulate a cross-border ecosystem that promotes a value chain around hydrogen in the Galicia-Northern Portugal Euroregion, contributing to sustainable mobility based on renewable sources. The project consortium is made up of 10 entities from Galicia and...
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The ports of the Atlantic Area will investigate the use of technologies based on green hydrogen from marine energy and other renewable energies

The HYDEA project kicks off with the first meeting of the consortium in the Port of Vigo. This project, led by the EnergyLab Technology Centre, will carry out pilot tests for the application of hydrogen and methanol as an energy alternative in the fleet and vehicles of the ports of the Atlantic area, to achieve...
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