10 años Energylab

Acronym: Mixed Renewable Gas Unit

Dossier Number: IN853A-2016/07

Project Name: Mixed Renewable Gas Unit: Share Knowledge about Biomethane Production Processes to WWTP in Urban and Food Sector.

Programme: Creation, start-up and consolidation of joint research units , co-funded co-funded by the Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the framework of the 2014-2020 ERDF Galicia operating programme.

Budget Allocation: € 632,054

Duration: 2016-2019

Objective: To create a mixed unit focused on the study of biogas. The aim of the Mixed Renewable Gas Unit is to increase the knowledge on biomethane (renewable gas) production processes in the sector of urban and food industries WWTP. It is especially focused on the biogas injection into the grid, but also on the application of biogas/biomethane to urban mobility and energy recovery by the thermal use of remains generated by biogas combustion. In this way, the Mixed Unit will allow the implementation of the concepts of bioeconomy and circular economy in the most important Galician waste management sectors, turning Galicia into a reference European region as far as production, optimisation, methanisation and renewable natural gas application as energy resource are concerned.