10 años Energylab

LNG Prototype Pack

NameLNG Prototype Pack
CategoryEnergy Technologies
Start DateMarch 2016
End DateDecember 2017
ClientGabadi, S.L.
LeaderGabadi, S.L.
PartnersNEO-CH4 Galicia, VICUSdt, INOVA
Financing entitiesAxencia Galega de Innovación de la Xunta de Galicia (GAIN)


The aim of the project is to develop and validate the design and construction of a prototype consisting of a membrane tank for the storage of Liquefied Natural Gas (hereinafter LNG) of small/medium size (100-150 m3) and by the compact, robust and safe fuel management system (FGHS- Fuel Gas Hadling System).

With the purpose of obtaining the type approval of the set formed by the tank and the FGHS will work in parallel with a Classification Society following its standards of design, calculation and construction.

So far, most applications of membrane technology are for the manufacture of large gas storage tanks with volumes ranging from 15,000 m3 to more than 60,000 m3. With the tightening of environmental regulations, which will force the reduction of sulphide (SOx), nitrate (NOx) emissions, … it is expected that LNG applications as consumables will become more relevant, which will start to open a large market potential for the application of membrane technology to tanks of much smaller volumes.

EnergyLab's Tasks

EnergyLab will carry out a simulation of the LNG tank to be developed in the project, which will allow analysing the thermal impact of the boil-off and the energy loss from the thermodynamic and fluid dynamic point of view.

This analysis will allow GABADI S.L. have information on the thermal behavior of the tank in different operations, and therefore it may modify or adapt the structural design in order to minimize the impact of the boil-off.

For this, different aspects of design will be analysed, such as:

  • Impact of the boil-off for pressure changes between 0.7-2 kg inside the LNG tank of 100 m3.
  • Impact of boil off on tank loading and unloading