10 años Energylab


NameGeoAtlantic. Promotion of geothermal resources for the implementation of friendly local ecosystems
CategoryUrban Ecosystems
Start DateSeptember 2017
End DateAugust 2020
LeaderConcello de Ourense
PartnersEnergyLab, ITER (Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables de Canarias), AMCB (Associação de Municipios da Cova da Beira), Centre for Renewable Energy Research (CIENER) del INEGI (Instituto de Ciência e Inovação em Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Industrial, Portugal), Universidade de Porto, Islay Energy Trust- IET, Argyll, Lomond and the Islands Energy (ALIENERGY), University of Exeter, Agence Locale de l’Energie et du Climat -ALEC de Francia, Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) de Irlanda, European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) situada en Bruselas, Associação das Agências de Energia e Ambiente (Rede Nacional de Portugal) -RNAE y el Departamento de Recursos geotérmicos de la empresa portuguesa EDA RENOVÁVEI
Financing entitiesPrograma INTERREG Espacio Atlántico.


GeoAtlantic’s main objective is to promote the use of geothermal energy in communities, through the joint development of tools and methodologies that allow the implementation of friendly local ecosystems, both for electrical and thermal energy. In this sense, actions will be taken in order to improve the knowledge and capacities of the different actors, in support of technology transfer, as well as in the implementation of local policies and pilot demonstrations of the use of geothermal energy.

EnergyLab's Tasks

EnergyLab  performed the following tasks:

  • Identification of geothermal technologies with potential for the territory that is the object of the project
  • Creation of partnerships between research centers and technology providers
  • Monitoring, follow-up and analysis of demonstration projects and
  • Dissemination and disclosure activities.