10 años Energylab

Inditex Eco-shops Estimation of energy savings linked to air conditioning in 10 Inditex shops

NameInditex Eco-shops Estimation of energy savings linked to air conditioning in 10 Inditex shops
CategoryUrban Ecosystems
Start DateSeptember 2014
End DateOctober 2014
ClientInstra Ingenieros


Estimation of energy savings linked to the replacement of air conditioning systems in 10 Inditex eco-shops after the remodeling and implementation of energy efficient technologies -as far as lighting and air conditioning are concerned- to get a drastic reduction in energy consumption.

EnergyLab's Tasks

EnergyLab performed the following tasks:

  • Verification of energy savings linked to the implementation of improvements to improve energy efficiency linked to air conditioning systems in 10 Inditex eco-shops.
  • Disintegration of monthly air conditioning energy consumption by a calculation algorithm that,-considering characteristic parameters of every shop (usable space, maximum general electric power and air conditioning nominal energy power) – allows obtaining a virtual and accurate control of air conditioning consumption, as well as the definition of a reference base line to every shop which links its energy consumption with heating and cooling day degrees.
  • Comparison between air conditioning energy consumptions registered by Inditex Group energy consumptions monitoring platform and air conditioning consumptions obtained from equations that define the energy base line of every shop. These are normalized with monthly day-degrees obtained during the saving demonstrative period.