10 años Energylab


Start DateJanuary
End DateDecember 2025
PartnersBIOGA, Fundación pública gallega Centro Tecnológico de Supercomputación de Galicia, Clúster de la Acuicultura de Galicia, CETIM, ANFACO-CECOPESCA, FEUGA, Asociación Clúster Saúde de Galicia, GRADIANT, Universidad de Santiago de compostela, Universidade de Vigo, Cluster da madeira e o Deseño de Galicia, TELEVES SA, Asociación Clúster TIC GALICIA, y ENERGYLAB.
Financing entitiesDIGITAL EUROPE European Digital Innovation Hubs Work programme 2021-2023.


The EDIH DATAlife project focuses on increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, and especially SMEs, through the adoption of AI and Big Data technologies, promoting the creation of federated data spaces and their collaborative exploitation. In addition, will be sharing best practices with other regions through its experts committee, with ambassadors at national and international level, and with strategic relations with the participation in DIHs collaboration networks.

EDIH DATAlife aims to be a one-stop shop for services, providing companies with access to advanced digital solutions through modern infrastructures for experimentation and technology validation.

EnergyLab’s Tasks

EnergyLab will perform the following tasks:

  • Test, demonstrate, validate and implement digital solutions in AI, HPC, IoT and data analytics in regional companies and other innovation agents to increase their digital maturity and develop new applications for selected value chains.
  • Increase the skills and knowledge of disruptive technologies in the sectors of interest, through a training offer designed to meet the specific needs of the Galician workforce.
  • Improve knowledge of digital technologies and the adoption of digital strategies from a sectoral point of view, based on real needs and diagnoses, supporting authorities to develop policies and strategies.